We have been taking photos with enthusiasm from an early age, and many together since Tony took Elisabeth to a performance of The Mikado in early 1962. These two are among the earliest we took of each other: Elisabeth in her college room, Tony in his parents' garden in the New Forest (for anyone too young to recognize it, the scooter is a Lambretta).
Since then we have taken transparencies (like the two above), prints and now, of course, digital, all in vast quantities. We'll select from these according to topic, and ring the changes frequently. The resolution is reduced, to save bandwidth, but if you'd like any at full res, e-mail us at and we'll send as attachments. Note - some fauna and flora pictures are cropped and may already be at full resolution.
Elisabeth has taken the majority of the scenery and flora, Tony more of the fauna. The only exceptions to this are the photos at the top of the Home Page - Elisabeth taken by our son Matthew at a family gathering in 2020, Tony by our grandson Isaac on a walk on Mull in 2021. |
CAMERAS: Elisabeth has a Canon Powershot SX210 compact; Tony's is a Sony Alpha200 DSLR with two Minolta lenses (28-80 and 75-300 mm) 'inherited' from a film camera. We find Elisabeth's better for views and flowers, Tony's for moving animals and where we need a wide focal range. Elisabeth tends to stick with 'Auto', Tony fiddles with exposures and ISO sensitivity, by which time the bird has often flown. |
So we could get our website out into the world quickly, we've started with the fauna and flora and will add scenery over the next months (and years). |