Briefly in 2000 and 2001, then from January 2006 to September 2010, Tony edited the newsletter of the United Reformed Church Peace Fellowship: |
In the absence of anyone else willing to do the job, I drew cartoons for several issues, which appear below. I hope you like them, in spite of my limited abilities with computer graphics! Perhaps they will inspire someone more skilled to make more of them. |
Some of these are definitely of their time but, sadly, several are still relevant. Dates and notes at the end. |
Home page
A |
B> |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
A. My first attempt, using Microsoft Draw - not an ideal vehicle, as you may remember! Produced in May 2000 for the first edition of the newsletter.
B.Drawn in September 2000, to accompany a review of a revised edition of the book The First Casualty by Phillip Knightley.
C.This was from December 2000, not long after the lorry convoys and hunting ban protests.
D. In April 2006 there had been attempts to re-instate military cadets in state schools.
E. Probably my favourite, from October 2006, when tabloid hysteria led to MP hysteria. Even our local MP liked it when I sent it to him some years later! Our family had given me a copy of Serifdraw by this time - much more friendly and still in use!
F. From the January 2007 edition, after suggestions that nuclear devices could be built in back rooms.
G. In April 2007, Blair was very certain he wanted to keep Trident.
H. The last one! By September 2009, the cost of Trident relative to proposed cuts in other state expenditure was getting silly.
Finally, a picture rather than a cartoon (my first effort with SerifDraw, in fact): |
The Birth of Pegasus
The front page article in the July 2006 edition was by Revd Kate Compston. Usually I was able to include a photo of the writer, but Kate refused. Instead, I took up a reference in her article to the myth of the birth of Pegasus from the blood of Medusa; beneath his hoof sprang the waters of inspiration.
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